Tag Archives: fast

Trying A Come Back

25 Mar

My blogging has been foiled once again by life 🙂  I’ll try to do better and post more.  I’ve taken many pictures of some recipes and often think to myself, “that’s be a great blog post!”  Now, just to follow through on it!  Some friends and I have formed a group of health and allergy conscious moms and have been meeting regularly to plan and share.  I am very excited to keep up with this group and share more about our discussions.  Until next time, go give this fast and easy cookie a try.  It works great as cookie dough and as a baked cookie!  It truly is a fast one…I just whipped it up about 15 minutes ago amidst the post school starving crazies!  All 4 of my kids and I loved every bite we took both as dough and baked.