
Pantry 101: Help me clean out, organize, and stock my pantry and refrigerator!  Are you trying to get healthy, facing a new allergy list, needing to revitalize your cooking?  I can help get you organized, energized, and ready to go.

Grocery Shopping: Reading labels, learning about new foods, budgeting, the grocery store can be a daunting location.  I can help guide you through your local grocery store.

Meal Planning: Meal planning can be a chore!  Let me do it for you!  I can customize meals to meet your dietary guidelines and budget.  Meals can be planned daily, weekly, biweekly, and/or monthly.

Recipe Altering/Modifying:  Do you have a favorite recipe, but realize something in it is on your DO NOT EAT list?  I can take a look at it and see if it can be modified to meet your dietary needs as well as your flavor desires.

Speaking Engagements: I love speaking to groups–adults and children–to help people learn more about food, food choices, and meal planning.  Contact me to learn more and to set up a date.

Not see the help you are needing, just contact me and I can see what I can do to help you.

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